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These are projects we are currently working on.  Find our earlier works under the 'Projects' menu.

Our bellhangers remove the existing bells, drill out cast-in crown staples etc. and tune them in our Works. 
We also manufacture new frames and fittings and then return them to the tower.  This ensures a complete start-to-finish process by our small team, using the various bell foundries for new and recast bells.
Great Barrington church.jpg

Saint Mary, Great Barrington, Gloucestershire
(6 bells. Tenor 8-0-3 in B♭)

We are refurbishing the fittings on all bells and replacing the gudgeons on the 4th.

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Saint John, Devizes, Wiltshire
(8 bells. Tenor 19-1-6 in D)

We are overhauling the fittings of 8 bells; rebushing clappers and overhauling the 4th chiming hammer.


Saint Leonard, Watlington, Oxfordshire
(8 bells. Tenor 24cwt in E♭)

The 8 bells are being tuned and the 5th will be welded. The bells will be rehung on new fittings in the strengthened frame.

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Saint Nicholas, Idbury, Oxfordshire
(3 bells. Tenor 8¾ cwt in A)

The circa 1320 sanctus bell will be rehung on a hardwood headstock and fittings in keeping with the age and style of the building.

Basingstoke 5th headstock.jpg

All Saints, Basingstoke, Hampshire
(10 bells. Tenor 11-0-06 in F)

A new galvanised and powder coated fabricated RHS steel headstock complete with fixed steel gudgeons and refurbished bearings has been manufactured for the 5th bell. It will be rehung in the existing frame.

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Minster Ch of S John & S Martin, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire
(10 bells. Tenor 41–1–20 in C)

New gudgeons will be fitted to the headstock of the 7th bell. All wheels will be re-rimmed and new pulleys and bearings fitted throughout.


Saint Mary, Norton, Gloucestershire
(8 bells. Tenor 10–3–14 in F♯)

The existing frame is being placed on a new galvanised steel grillage, and the bells will be rehung on new fittings. The existing 4th is to be used as a service bell, and replaced with a second-hand bell from the Keltek Trust. 

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Saint Mary, Great Wymondley, Hertfordshire
(6 bells. Tenor 8–3–12 (450 kg) in A♭)

The six bells are being tuned and rehung on new fittings in the existing strengthened frame. The existing 5th is to be used as a service bell, and replaced with a second-hand bell from the Keltek Trust.

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