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These are projects we are currently working on. Find our earlier works under the 'Projects' menu.
Our bellhangers remove the existing bells, drill out cast-in crown staples etc. and tune them in our Works.
We also manufacture new frames and fittings and then return them to the tower. This ensures a complete start-to-finish process by our small team, using the various bell foundries for new and recast bells.

Saint Leonard, Eynsham, Oxfordshire
(6 bells. Tenor 9–1–24 (481 kg) in G)
We will retune the bells and rehang in the existing frame with new fittings.

Saint John, Devizes, Wiltshire
(8 bells. Tenor 19-1-6 in D)
We are overhauling the fittings of 8 bells; rebushing clappers and overhauling the 4th chiming hammer.

Abbey Church of Saint Peter & Saint Paul, Bath, Somerset
(10 bells. Tenor 33-0-25 in C)
We are overhauling the fittings of the 10 bells; rebushing clappers and fitting a new stay to the Treble.

Saint Michael, Great Comberton, Worcestershire
(6 bells. Tenor 8-2-16 in B♭)
We are replacing the bearing races on the 2, 5 and Tenor bells.

Saint Mary, West Chiltington, West Sussex
(5 chiming bells. Tenor 7-2-23 in B♭)
We are overhauling the Ellacombe apparatus, replacing existing wire cables with new pre-stretched Terelene chiming rope, fitting new guide pulleys and repainting the existing iron framework.
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