These projects were completed during 2014

ICKWORTH PARK, SUFFOLK. (Church of St. Mary) (1 bell)
A bell hung for stationary chiming in an ancient bell frame.
The single bell, 3'- 1" in diameter and cast by Thomas Gardiner in 1711, was rehung for stationary chiming with a trigger-action clapper in the ancient bell frame.
HINTON WALDRIST, OXON. (6 bells, Tenor 6-2-19 in Bb)
Gudgeon replacement and general overhaul
The loose gudgeons of the 2nd headstock were replaced. All pulley units were replaced, and the clappers rebushed and set up for even striking.

ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL, LONDON. (12 bells, Tenor 61-2-12 in Bb)
Forge-weld repair of two clappers
Cracks were identified in two of the wrought iron clappers and forge-weld repaired.
CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, OXFORD. (12 bells, Tenor 31-0-23 in D)
Setting the bells up for even striking
The clappers of all twelve bells have been set up for even striking with our laser-timing meter. Some of the clappers were also overhauled and re-bushed.

POCKLINGTON, E. YORKS. (8 bells, Tenor 17-0-1 in E)
Major overhaul
The clappers were rebushed and set up for even striking, the pulley units replaced and the main bearings cleaned and re-greased.
CUMNOR, OXON. (8 bells, Tenor 13-1-4 in F)
Bell frame painting
The six bells were rehung by us in a new cast iron and steel bell frame, and subsequently augmented to eight in 1988. This year, we cleaned down and re-painted the bell frame, including the foundation beams. Since the 1990's, we have galvanised the steel work of all new bell frames that we construct.

WENDOVER, BUCKS. (The Clock Tower) (1 bell)
Restoration works
The bell had its cast-in crown staple removed and was then rehung on a new timber deadstock, also fitting the restored existing wheel to maintain the visual appearance of the tower. The clock strikes the bell.

GREAT GRANSDEN, CAMBS. (6 bells, Tenor 13-2-11 in F)
Correcting a clapper problem
The removal of the cast-in crown staple some years ago left an uneven surface for the clapper staple to seat upon, resulting in it frequently becoming loose. We were asked to look at the problem. We cast a level internal resin pad in-situ and then fitted a new adjustable staple unit. The staple unit now stays tight and has been accurately set up for even striking.

CROMER, NORFOLK. (8 bells, Tenor 12-1-7 in G)
A ring of six rehung and augmented to eight
The bells have had their cast-in crown staples removed and all but the mediaeval 5th have been re-tuned. They have been rehung on new fittings. Two pits were added to the existing frame and two bells added to augment the ring to eight.
Electronically controlled chiming
The three bells have been rehung on timber deadstocks with internal electro-magnetic hammers and a programmable electronic control unit.

HEYTESBURY, WILTS. (6 bells, Tenor 19-2-6 in Eb)
Two bells rehung
Some of the canons of the C15th tenor bell had cracked due to stresses placed on them by an early design of riveted steel canon-retaining headstock. The treble was found to be porous where struck by a clock hammer. Both bells were turned and rehung on modern-design canon-retaining headstocks. The clappers were rebushed and the pulley units replaced on all six bells.
EAST OGWELL, DEVON. (6 bells, Tenor 6-0-10 in B)
Altered layout, rehang and new tenor bell
The bells have been rehung on part new fittings, the leading dimensions also being adjusted. Some of the bells have been relocated to different pits to create a better rope circle. The tenor has been replaced with a new bell and the old tenor has been rehung for stationary chiming.

COVINGTON, CAMBS. (4 bells, Tenor 7-1-20 in Bb)
Rehung in a new bell frame and augmented to four
The bells have been augmented to four by adding a tenor to this minor-key three. They have been hung on new fittings in a new cast iron bell frame below the existing ancient frame.
HARPENDEN, HERTS. (St. George's Shcool) (1 bell)
A bell returned to use with electronic control
The chapel bell was rescued from a precarious position on the roof and subsequently rehung for stationary, electronically-controlled chiming on an exterior wall for improved audibility.

ROOS, E. YORKS. (8 bells, Tenor 12-3-11 in F)
Augmentation to eight
We augmented this ring of five to six in 2011 by adding an additional upper bell frame. We have now further extended the upper frame and added two trebles to augment the ring to eight.
ALBURY, OXON. (2 bells)
Overhaul of two bells
The chiming ropes and pulleys have been replaced and the installation has received general maintenance work.

MONK SHERBORNE, HANTS. (5 bells, Tenor 7-1-4 in G#)
A ring of five restored
The cast-in crown staples were removed, three of the bells were retuned and all five were rehung on new fittings in the existing ancient strengthened timber bell frame.
BLOXHAM, OXON. (8 bells, Tenor 26-3-7 in C#)
Major overhaul and improvements
The front four clappers were rebushed and a timber shaft clapper fitted to the 5th to improve the clappering characteristics. All pulley units were replaced, and the 3rd rope path improved by removing one of the three lower guide pulleys, also adding a rope flapping board. The hardened grease was removed from the main bearings and the correct grade of ball bearing grease applied, the "go" of the bells being much improved as a result.

BARMING, KENT. (6 bells, Tenor 9-0-8 in G)
A ring of six rehung
The cast-in crown staples were removed, all but the "listed" 3rd bell retuned and all six rehung on new fittings in the existing bell frame. Two galvanised steel beams were placed under the bell frame to give additional support and reduce frame movement.
A gateway bell
A single bell originally from the church at Chawton was hung above the gate house at the country estate of Pelham Place. The bell is hung dead and fitted with a trigger action clapper.

BRAMSHAW, HANTS. (2 bells)
Ancient bells rehung for swing-chiming
These two ancient bells have had their cast-in crown staples removed and been rehung on new traditional fittings for swing-chiming in the existing bell frame. The smaller bell is one of only a few dating from the C13th.
CHEARSLEY, BUCKS. (6 bells, Tenor 9-0-1 in G)
Three bells augmented to six
The ring of three was rehung by us in 2004. In 2014 we extended the wrought iron double bar frame with three additional pits and augmented the ring to six with three new bells and all new ringing fittings.

HOLYWELL, LINCS. (4 bells)
An automated chime of four
The church is situated in the grounds of Holywell Hall. The two existing bells (one C15th and one 1628) had their cast-in crown staples removed and were then hung "dead" with two new additional bells to create an electronically controlled "Cambridge" or "Westminster" chime. As well as the clock chime, the control unit also allows: Single Toll (Push Button Control), Slow Toll, Fast Toll, Changes on three, Changes on four and the Angelus.