These projects were completed during 2023.

All Saints, North Moreton, Oxfordshire
(6 bells. 13–0–18 (669 kg) in G)
The ring has been augmented to 8 and the bell frame extended.

Kington Langley
The single bell has been rehung for swing-chiming on new fittings.

St Martin-in-the-Fields
(12 bells. Tenor 29–1–1 in D)
The Tenor clapper has been forge welded.

Saint Mary V, Calne, Wiltshire
(10 bells. Tenor 23–2–19 in D)
The ring of 8 has been tuned, rehung on new fittings in a new cast iron bell frame and augmented to 10.

All Saints Church, East Garston, Berkshire
(6 bells. Tenor 13–0–12 in E)
All but the 5th bell have been tuned. All 6 bells are being rehung on new fittings in the strengthened bell frame. The cracked Treble bell has been specialist weld repaired.

Saint Peter's, Ightham, Kent
(6 bells Tenor 7–0–22 (366 kg) in A)
A new set of trigger action chiming hammers has been made for these bells.

Saint Mary, Great Bedwyn, Wiltshire
(6 bells. Tenor 28 cwt in D♭)
The broken 5th bell was specialist weld repaired and rehung. The frame was also repaired, the pulleys replaced and the clappers rebushed.

Hertford College, Oxford
(1 bell)
The bell was rehung on refurbished fittings and new ball bearings.

Saint Edith, Bishop Wilton, East Riding of Yorkshire
(3 bells. Tenor 10 cwt in F♯)
These bells were rehung for stationary chiming with trigger action hammers and electromagnetic hammers.

Saint Andrew, Grafham, Surrey
(2 bells)
These bells and fittings were rehung in keeping with the age and style of the building. The bells were turned to present unworn surfaces to the respective clappers.

Saint Peter, Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire
(8 bells. Tenor 15–2–22 in E)
A major overhaul on the wheels, clappers, pulleys and bearings.

Turkdean, Gloucestershire
(Tenor 5 cwt)
One bell is to be welded, with all three and the Sanctus bell being re-hung with hammers.